Flexibility in financial management for growth company
About a year ago, Sijoituasunnot.com Group Oy had to find a new financial management partner and software. The company had strong growth and the former small accounting firm and software no longer met all the needs of the growing company. A new larger accounting office and the Netvisor financial management software brought the desired agility to financial management.

Anne Aaltola works as a Contract Manager in Sijoitusasunnot.com - a Finnish partner for apartment investors.
Sijoituasunnot.com Group Oy's main task is to act as a partner for apartment investors. They, for example, buy entire buildings, renovate apartments and sell them to apartment investors. Turnover in 2021 was more than 43 million euros and they employed around 20 employees.
According to Contact Manager Anne Aaltola, work at Sijoituasunnot.com is engaging. Every day is different from working with salespeople to construction professionals fulfilling the needs of different types of customers - tenants and investors. Managing finances also requires versatile tools, as changes occur frequently.
- We have several software products in use, but we can only use the automation they offer to a limited extent. For example, the complete automation of rent invoicing would be challenging, because we buy and sell apartments, which causes changes in ownership and rental of properties, says Aaltola.
Connecting the dots with integrations
Sijoituasunnot.com handles sales and customer management in Salesforce and rent management in Tampuuri, a Visma-owned real estate management product. The sales process of apartments is handled in Salesforce. When the deals are done, the sales invoices flow to Netvisor, from where it is sent to the customer. Tampuuri, on the other hand, is used to manage tenants. The rent invoices are sent from there and the payments are matched to Netvisor for accounting.
- These work quite well together. It's all automatic and only a bit of manual work is required when creating invoices, says Aaltola.
“Netvisor is easy to use and clear as it breaks down invoices by due date and urgency”
In Sijoitusasunnot.com, almost every employee uses Netvisor in some way; record hours and accept invoices, etc. According to Aaltola, the acceptance process of invoices is one of the best features of Netvisor. It brings efficiency and significantly speeds up the administration of purchase invoices. Five people work in the company's administration and use the software daily.
- Bookkeeping, invoice management and bank transfers. About 80% of my working time is spent on Netvisor. Purchase invoices still take a lot of time for us. You have to go through the accounting, look for information and check that all entries are correct for all cost centres, Aaltola lists.
Sijoituasunnot.com continuously manages around thirty housing cooperatives, some of which are under renovation and some of which are for sale. Each one is registered in Netvisor as a cost centre, which makes it easy to monitor its costs and profitability.
Ease of everyday life
According to Aaltola, Netvisor is a logical tool for people in the administration. There you can easily find the information you need. She finds the purchase ledger particularly convenient, which they also use the most.
- It is clear to use when it divides invoices according to due date and urgency. It's easy to pay invoices when they're on the list by due dates. You can also take invoices as a whole bundle for processing and pay several at once, Aaltola describes.
According to her, the biggest benefit of Netvisor is for the person doing the work. At Sijoituasunnot.com, the company's management mainly uses an integrated business intelligence tool to review reports, but sometimes they receive clarification requests.
"In Netvisor, it is easy to ask for help and delegate tasks"
- If the management asks where the figures for different cost centres came from, you can easily drill down to the invoice level to get information about the accounting figures, says Anne Aaltola.
All in all, Aaltola describes Netvisor as clear and logical to use. Invoice recycling, invoicing, and accounting work smoothly. It is also easy to share tasks with a colleague if you are busy or away from work.
- It is easy to ask for help and delegate tasks in Netvisor. On the purchase invoice side, you can transfer even an entire bundle of invoices to a colleague at once for verification, says Anne Aaltola.