Low-res prototyping: Fast-forward your product development
Read about Brady’s low resolution prototyping product redesign project.
Read about Brady’s low resolution prototyping product redesign project.
I was an intern at Visma Labs during a period of 15 weeks, in 2016, as part of my bachelor studies in Interaction Design at Malmö University. During my internship, I took on the project Mobile Expense, evaluating if Visma.net Expense, or parts of it, should be available as a mobile solution.
How can you bring your customers closer with classic – and less traditional – user experience work?
As the autumn storms approach and the Swedish afternoons keep getting shorter, a large part of the UX community in Visma (in total consisting of 65 UX practitioners) gather in Stockholm to completely immerse into the user centered design process for three full days. For the second year in a row, Visma UX is getting lined up for the UX Marathon.
Anna Kirah stresses the importance of involving the people using the products in the design and development phase on the Visma Developer Days.
What does good user experience mean to us in Visma and how do we work to achieve it?