"SmartDok has helped us work smarter"
Managing director Bjørn Kallekleiv at Grunnarbeid Vest confirms that the new digital documentation system frees up a lot of time. Effective use of time registration, checklists and deviation forms has resulted in less wastage and fewer complaints.
“All errors are documented, and we can rectify and reduce the risk that the same errors happens again”, says Kallekleiv.

Managing director Børn Kallekleiv at Grunnarbeid Vest
“When it’s easy to investigate, it’s also positive in a financial aspect. We spend less time looking for things and can spend time on what we need to do. At the same time, we receive the hours, product consumption and additional work to continuously invoice customers.”
Time is money in the construction industry, and Kallekleiv says that simplifying the everyday life of their construction workers – and the employees working in administration – will also improve the financial reports.
“Our new system from SmartDok has helped us with documentation structure and invoicing.” He says, “our work life has improved, as we save a lot of time and money”
Good documentation, and fewer complaints
The employees use SmartDok to document their progress consecutively: photos of their work, hours, product consumption and deviations are all entered into the same user-friendly app.
Since everything is in one system, the employees save time, leaving time for solid documentation. The result is a correct invoice base, continuous payments, less wastage and fewer complaints.
“It’s every company's biggest nightmare not to get paid because the client believes the job hasn’t been carried out correctly or completed. We recently received a question about a job and could immediately send over pictures, timetables and checklists. I don't think they’d seen anything like this before. They were amazed at how well things were documented, and we received no more questions”, says Kallekleiv.
Soon to be ISO certified
Grunnbarbed Vest is currently working towards ISO certification, using SmartDok actively in the process.
“We want to be certified to improve our business and for our customers to know that we’re operating seriously. Documentation must then be in place. We’ve created all documentation, forms, checklists and deviations in SmartDok. These things must be revised and presented to get ISO certified”, says Kallekleiv.

“All documentation is in one place – making it easy to find and to present what we need”
A system that is used for most things
And what factors determine successful projects? Kallekleiv explains:
“A successful project is when everything has been carried out correctly. It’s crucial that we can hand over the right documentation to our client when a project’s completed. Of course, we also need to make money”, he says.
The same applies to KS (Quality Assurance), deviations and RUH (Reported Adverse Event). The workers carry this out in the field in the same solution!
“We follow up on our machines and receive error messages on vehicles in the app. The same applies to notifications on qualifications and certificates so that we are notified when something is approaching its expiry date. Everything is done via SmartDok!”