Being “The new one” five times during one year
Hello, my name is Malin and I’m one of the Norwegian Management trainees this year.
The Management Trainee program consists of five projects during one year, which means that you start a new job with new colleagues, new work tasks and responsibilities five times in a very short time period. The five projects you get are very different. Because of this the Trainee-program is a great way to gain practical work experience in different parts of Visma and get an insider’s view of the career opportunities available. Now I will give you a brief summary of what I have been working with my first 7 month as a Visma Employee.
The projects
My first project was working with Visma Community, a common communication platform. As an increasing amount of customers have several products and services across business units, Visma is implementing a common community platform for all business units and markets. The main reason is to establish a consistent user experience independent of which business unit that is providing the specific service to the customer. Another reason for establishing a common community platform is that both research and experience shows that customer communities will play an even more important role in the future as a part of the business strategy.
For my second project I went to Copenhagen and had a project at Mind4IT, which is a freelance IT consultancy. MIND4iT has historically focused on providing Danish IT consultancy services to customers in Denmark. Due to a lack of resources and a demand for lowering the prices in the Danish market, many of their customers are focusing on nearshoring in Poland. My Trainee-project was therefore to do a market analysis of the possibility to nearshore some consultancy services to Poland.
My third project was at Visma Collectors AS (VCAS) in Oslo. VCAS has been challenged to evaluate the potential of buying existing debt collection portfolio from clients. Up til now purchase have been done in a very limited extent, and to a small number of clients based on request. My project was therefore to do an analysis of the existing debt collection portfolio, make a pricing model and a go-to-market strategy.

Now I am a product manager at Visma Software AS for a new product called Visma.NET Inbox. Manually handling of supplier invoices is a costly time consuming process that eats into a company’s profit. Electronic document handling is therefore both an opportunity and a necessity. Visma.NET Inbox will automate document handling through the intelligent routing of documents to the proper asset or ERP system. One responsibility of a product manager is to be the “national Champion” of your products both internally and externally. The task I find the most exciting is that you get to be the coordinator between R&D, marketing and sales.
Become a Management Trainee
One of Visma’s strengths is that there is not a predefined career ladder that you have to climb in order to get where you want. After only one year as a Management Trainee you get a lot of different exciting possibilities with large responsibilities. If this sounds interesting, click here to read more about the Management Trainee-program at Visma.
Hasta la Visma