What is UX Days?
2020 has been (and still is) a year unlike any other. However, this did not stop us from running our beloved yearly UX Days event where we gather all designers in Visma for two days of knowledge sharing, learning and inspiration.
We just had to do things slightly differently! This year, close to 100 UX Designers got together to spend two half days online. We can safely say that running it online did not stop us from having fun!
You might also be interested in reading: How we ran a successful Design Sprint remotely.
Business, tech, agile and UX–a perfect match
We kicked things off with a Visma Talk on why Business, tech, agile and UX is a perfect match, hosted by Jens Wedin and Peter Olovsson from SeventyOne Consulting.
They then went on to facilitate a workshop on the same topic. The designers were divided into breakout rooms and got to reflect on a series of questions about how we measure the success of our products and design together using Mural.

Many good ideas came up from the design community that we will pick up and continue to work with in Visma.
We ended the first day with some fun, inviting everyone to three online after works hosted through Airbnb Online Experiences – something we can highly recommend!
On the second day, we had an unConference – a very appreciated concept where focusing on internal knowledge sharing. Several awesome designers hosted sessions on interesting topics ranging from Gamification to Design ethics and Accessibility. A big thank you to all of you!
Want to read more about what it’s like to work with UX and design in Visma? Visit our blog category page Design.