Innovation moves at the speed of thought, and launching minimum viable products (MVPs) has become the industry standard (for good reason). It’s great for innovation and for verifying market demand, among other things. But, it also comes with the risk of creating products that aren’t fully inclusive or accessible. The balancing act between moving quickly and building mindfully has never been more important.
Addressing age bias in software
Most of the people building software today are in their twenties and thirties. Approximately 48% of professional software developers are 25-34 years old, and the average age of a user experience (UX) designer is 38 years old. So, the opportunities for age bias to unintentionally creep into the development process are significant, especially if teams aren’t intentional about eliminating that bias.
To put that in perspective: there are over one billion people 60+ years old worldwide, and that age group is growing at an unprecedented rate. They’re actively looking for technology to stay connected with loved ones, pursue passion projects, monitor their health, and simplify everyday life. They’re a huge demographic of tech users, but they often lack confidence in their ability to use new technology or feel like it’s made for them.
The good news? We can help change this narrative by effectively and consistently using inclusive design principles in all stages of software development.
What is inclusive design?
Inclusive design exists at the intersection between usability, accessibility, and inclusivity. While these terms are often used interchangeably, or thrown into the same bucket without much distinction, they are all quite different. Let’s break them down to better understand how and why inclusive design requires all three.

“When we talk about inclusive design, accessibility, usability, and inclusivity all play a part in it. Where the three overlap is where you find inclusive design.”
Julie Rasmussen, Accessibility Lead
Usability is the ease with which users interact with your software. It’s about creating a smooth, intuitive experience for everyone. Imagine you’re designing a building. The first thing people will need to find is the entrance door, then the different rooms and facilities inside. Everything visitors need should be easily findable.
Usability asks: Is it understandable and easy to use for everyone no matter their tech experience or expertise level?
Accessibility is all about making sure that anyone, regardless of ability or circumstances, can access and use your software product. Let’s go back to the building example… Once people have found the entrance, they need to be able to operate the door intuitively – whether using a handle, button, or other method – so they can easily get inside. They should also be able to move between rooms and floors, and be able to use all facilities.
Accessibility asks: Can everyone access it no matter their circumstances, whether permanent, temporary, or situational?
Inclusivity goes beyond the basics. It’s about empathising with and embracing the diverse needs of different user groups. Finishing off our example: the building should be available to everyone. Whenever someone enters, they should immediately feel included and welcome. The ultimate goal is for every visitor to feel as if the building and everything inside was designed intentionally to bring them in, not to keep them out.
Inclusivity asks: Is it relevant and available to everyone no matter their environment, demographic, tech experience, etc.?
Tips for designing age-inclusive software
Using inclusive design principles has an inherent ripple effect. By focusing on these principles for one group, the user experience is improved overall, as well. So, in this case, designing with an older audience in mind can actually benefit most people who use your product, regardless of age.
At Visma, our design teams are constantly thinking of ways to make our products more age-inclusive, so we wanted to share some of the best practices we’ve learned along the way. Remember, the goal isn’t to create software for one specific group; it’s to create software that everyone feels welcome to use.
Use clear, simple navigation
As we age, our memory can decline, making it harder to recall information. Even for people with sharp memories, having to recall a lot of information when navigating a software product is not a great user experience. The key is to rely on recognition rather than recall:
- Place the back button in a prominent, consistent spot.
- Use breadcrumbs to show the user’s location in context.
- Use clear navigation link text to help users quickly find what they need.
- Make the main menu available and easily findable in every part of the product.
- Consider adding text to unfamiliar icons.
Embrace more space
With age also comes changes in some motor skills, which can affect our ability to click or touch precise spots on an interface. In addition, our ability to focus tends to diminish over time, making overwhelm a really common occurrence for older users. One way to help with both of these issues is to use visual space wisely:
- Make buttons and click areas larger.
- Minimise the number of elements on each page.
- Use more white space around elements to reduce the risk of clicking the wrong thing.
- Add space between lines of text and paragraphs to improve readability.
Use age-friendly typography
This one goes hand-in-hand with the last point about readability. Our vision changes as we get older. Readability is a big concern for older users, and it’s honestly a concern for anyone who doesn’t have perfect vision. Here are three simple things that can improve readability:
- Opt for easy-to-read typefaces and larger font sizes.
- Choose high-contrast colour schemes.
- Allow users to adjust font and colour settings in the product themselves.
Putting your products to the test
The only way to truly understand the experience of older users is by including them in your design process as early as possible. Often, what seems intuitive to one generation may not be intuitive for another. There are so many variables and so much nuance to take into account. So, engaging a diverse group of participants allows you to identify potential hurdles you might never even think of. By getting their feedback early and usability testing with them, your implementation will be more informed and more cost-efficient.
Your best asset isn’t a design tool at all
At the end of the day, the key to bridging the generation gap in software is empathy. Being able to put yourself in your users’ shoes allows you to think about what would make their digital journey smoother. By embracing inclusive design and considering older audiences in your development process from the beginning, you can help create a future where technology isn’t just for the young and tech-savvy but for all ages to use confidently and enjoy.